Hello! Tova here. With my campaign 48 to Educate, an offshoot of 914 Cares, I am attempting to raise $48,000 in 48 days to build a three-room school in rural Cambodia. I will be doing this through World Assistance for Cambodia’s Rural School’s Program, which was discussed in Half the Sky by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn (http://www.cambodiaschools.com/our-programs/rural-schools-program/2013-rural-schools-project-items-and-price-list/). $45,000 dollars can build a brand new three-room school furnished with desks, chairs, blackboard, and toilets.
This is the description of the program from the World Assistance for Cambodia’s Rural School’s Program website:
“In rural Cambodia, hundreds of villages still lack a functional primary and secondary school. Our Rural Schools Project has led the effort to construct more than 550 primary and secondary schools to help promote education in rural Cambodia... You can build a rural school in one the poorest areas of Cambodia. We work in partnership with the Cambodian Ministry of Education in building schools in poor, remote villages all over Cambodia. After the completion of a school building, the Ministry of Education send licensed teachers to teach the compulsory national curriculum at the school. Enrollment is open to the public and free of charge.”
The primary reason I am working with World Assistance for Cambodia is to prevent sex trafficking and promote women’s empowerment. I am thus using the slogan from Half the Sky for our campaign: “Empowerment begins with education.” To find out more about the cause, please click on “About the Cause” above.
Please donate whatever you can! No donation is too small.